COVID-19 Policy
At Allstars we take the safety of all our attendees very seriously. We have always maintained high standards of cleanliness and hygiene within our sessions, ensuring equipment is cleaned and hands are sanitised, however due to the ongoing pandemic we are further increasing hygiene standards and safety aspects based on Public Health England advice.
This advice can be found here:
We believe that along with this information and the extra measures being implemented, adults and their Children should feel safe and reassured when attending any of our classes.
We have implemented the following special measures in response to the Covid-19 outbreak: All of our coaches have completed multiple Covid-19 training courses, along with updating their first aid training.
Certificates have been obtained for all of these courses.
Government advice for adults is to stay alert and to continue to socially distance, at a distance of one meter plus where the two metre rule cannot be adhered to. We ask customers to please respect this and stay within safe distances of one another. In respect of younger children (early years/under 5’s) we understand that this may not always be possible and certainly more difficult to maintain, so we will be reducing the numbers in classes and adapting the layout of sessions to help ensure that they remain safe at all times.
For anyone booked into our classes, you must inform NHS immediately if you develop any symptoms for a test and give all contact details to their track and trace who will then be in touch with ourselves for customer details if needed.
Additional cleaning measures will be put in place and hand sanitiser will be available for all to use on entry and exit to venues. We cannot accept any responsibility for the cleanliness of the venues that we hire or use, as this is out of our control. However, we will not continue to use anywhere that we feel does not meet high standards of cleanliness or follow the guidelines put in place by Public Health England.
COVID-19 Guidance March 2021
Our session plans will have been adapted to adhere to guidelines, and the sharing of equipment will no longer be permitted. Those joining sessions will be provided with thoroughly sanitised props already in their spaces, or props can be brought with them and take them home and clean/sanitise them after every session. We will also have some items available to purchase if preffered.
Facilities should still be available at all of our venues, should there be any issues with this then we will notify before classes, we will encourage regular washing and sanitising of hands.
Class times will start and finish punctually to ensure there is no busy crossover where back to back sessions are being provided, this will help minimise any contact between separate groups. There are a few practical steps that we ask you to follow when attending our sessions to ensure everyone is kept safe at all times:
DO Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve/arm (not your hand) when you cough or sneeze.
Put any used tissues, wipes, nappies or rubbish into the bins on site or place into a bag/nappy sack and dispose of safely at home.
Wash your hands with soap and water often for 20 seconds, and also use hand sanitiser gel whenever needed.
Keep within the social distancing guidelines, and be alert at all times to ensure children are maintaining this also, as best possible.
Don’t Touch your eyes, hands or mouth if your hands are not clean.
Do NOT Come to class if you or your child are unwell or you suspect that you have come into contact with someone that is unwell or may have Covid-19. We will continue to monitor the situation closely and our policies
will be under constant review should guidance change.